
SA police to leave Alice Springs, creating void of 10 officers until NT recruits are deployed in March

Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro has welcomed the Speaker’s move to kick a Labor staffer out of NT parliament for a week after they put up a poster in the men’s toilets of the Health Minister superimposed on a rainbow following the removal of pride flags at Top End Hospitals.

The Chief also told Katie Woolf SA police are leaving Alice Springs today, with the town to be down 10 officers until March, when 11 new recruits hit the beat.

Ms Finocchiaro says 120 fines and three arrests for nuisance public drinking since the new laws took effect is a “great result”, suggesting if people can spend their money on grog they can afford to pay a fine.

She also says an economic road show will inform Territorians about the NT’s debt levels and millions in budget blowouts – often due to operating expenses not being factored into project costs under Labor.
