The Week That Was – 28th June 2024

Katie Woolf is joined in the studio by Education Minister Mark Monaghan, Deputy Opposition Leader Gerard Maley, Independent Member for Goyder Kezia Purick and ABC News Journalist Thomas Morgan for the Week that Was.
The inquest into the death of a 13-year-old girl and recommendations made by the Coroner, crime flare up in Katherine and calls for a curfew, a raft of alcohol measures that are set to take effect from July 1st, new polling putting the ALP and CLP virtually neck and neck with Territory Labor slightly ahead on the primary vote, commitments from both parties including lighting at Norbuilt oval, Former NAAJA CEO sues the company for wrongful dismissal, City of Darwin standing by its kinetic monument for Cyclone Tracy’s 50th anniversary and Territory Day are among the topics discussed by the panel.
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