
Thieves steal walking frame from elderly man, threaten to kill

September 27, 2022 7:36 am in by
Local News


At about 2:00amon Tuesday morning a 73-year-old gentleman requiring a walker to move around was approached in a car park of an inner city block of units.

Two indigenous males grabbed hold of his arms and placed them behind his back while making threats to kill him.

The two males rummaged through the pockets of the elderly gentleman stealing $50 and the gentleman’s walker.

Northern Watch Commander Sonia Kennon says a foot patrol of the area located the gentleman’s walker and other items belonging to him.

“The gentleman did not suffer any injuries, but due to a language barrier a more concise version of events with the assistance of a family member to interpret for him is expected to be obtained later today,” she said.

“A review of CCTV in the area has identified possible suspects and the investigation to be progressed.”
