
Parking Pandemonium: Aussie Drivers Take Revenge on ‘Selfish’ Parkers

November 1, 2023 9:09 am in by

A parking dispute in Western Australia has sparked a heated debate among Australian motorists. A driver took revenge on another motorist for their “selfish” parking job, causing a stir on social media.

The incident occurred at a shopping centre when the vengeful driver noticed a ute parked outside the designated lines of a parking space. Seizing the opportunity to teach the offender a lesson, the driver parked their own 4WD extremely close to the ute’s right-side door and snapped a photo.

Source: Facebook
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Sharing the pictures on Facebook, the driver cheekily wrote, “Sucked to be the driver of the white one,” accompanied by two laughing emojis. Explaining the situation further, they clarified that the vehicle on the left was already parked when they arrived and had left just as they were taking the photo.

The driver revealed that they waited in their car to witness the reaction of the other driver, who eventually emerged from the shopping centre. They concocted a story claiming their friend had gone into the shops, leaving the other driver no choice but to enter through the passenger side and climb over. “The look on the driver’s face was worth it,” they confessed, adding that they had even recorded the encounter on their dash-cam as a precaution.

Source: Facebook

Opinions about the incident were divided. Some hailed the vengeful driver as a “bloody legend,” applauding their actions. However, others criticized the revenge, suggesting that the other driver or their passenger may have had a disability, requiring extra space to maneuver. “Parking 6 inches away would have been a nice thing to do,” commented one person, to which the vengeful driver replied that they would then be occupying the disabled bay.

Amidst the debate, one individual admitted that they would have done the same thing, arguing that poor parking deserved consequences. Nevertheless, others urged the vengeful driver to reevaluate their priorities, emphasizing that wasting time on teaching lessons to careless parkers was not a productive use of one’s life.

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The incident serves as a reminder that parking etiquette can be a contentious issue, with opinions varying widely on what constitutes acceptable behaviour. As motorists navigate crowded parking lots, it is important to balance consideration for others with a sense of humour and perspective.
